Student Services
The Student Services Office (SSO) is available to students during the hours of 8:30am – 3:30pm and is the first point of call should students require anything during the school day.
Services include:
- Sign In/Out: Students sign in and out when arriving late or leaving early during the school day
- Sick Room: The sick room is located in Student Services and the Student Services Officer is the designated First Aid Officer for the school
- Wellbeing Leader Appointments: Please visit the SSO to make appointments with our Wellbeing Leaders
- Replacement School Forms: Replacement school forms can be collected in the Student Services Office
If a student is absent, late or leaving early please contact Student Services by using one of the following options:
- Phone the school on 8586 6974 then press 1
- Daymap messaging
- Email –
- Writing a note in the diary if giving advance notice of an absence
Parents of students who are absent from class without notice, will receive a SMS message from the school. Please contact the school as soon as practicable to provide a reason. Absences without explanation will be marked as an unapproved absence. SMS messages sent to a student’s personal mobile phone will not be accepted as notice for absence. Please contact the school directly.
Home Study
Senior students with Home Study forms completed by a parent are permitted to study at home if their study period falls in the first or last lesson of the day. Students are not permitted to sign out for Home Study if their study periods fall between classes. Students studying from home before or after their timetabled classes must have parental consent.
Payments for excursions, fees etc. can be made at Student Services before school from 8:30am – 8:50am and during recess from 10:40am – 11am. Renmark High School accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, Eftpos and direct credit via the Renmark High School bank account: BSB: 105-035 Account: 15-700-4240.
All students will be allocated a school locker at the beginning of each school year via Student Services.
First Aid
Our primary first aid room is located in Student Services, however first aid kits are available to staff throughout the school. Our staff are qualified to administer basic first aid to students. If in the case a student requires further treatment a parent will be contacted to collect the student. In more serious cases, an ambulance may be called.
If the school has called an ambulance and the student is transported, parents may seek advice on how best to cover the costs.
‘Meeting ambulance costs is primarily the responsibility of the individual or their caregiver. Those that have private ambulance cover should recoup costs from that source. Where a person does not have private cover, a request for payment by the department can be made by the parent or guardian. This is done by completing an online ambulance claim.’ – Department for Education Policy
Where possible, students should remain home when feeling unwell. Should your child become unwell at school, our designated first aid officers will assess the student and where applicable, a parent, caregiver or emergency contact will be requested to collect the student.
Health Care Plans
To assist our staff in the care and wellbeing of your child, any specific or significant medical conditions require a health care plan. We ask that all relevant information, supported by a GP or specialist, be provided to the school upon enrolment or as soon as medical conditions have been diagnosed.
Health care plans | Department for Education
Medications should be given at home whenever possible however should a student require medication during the school day, strict guidelines must be adhered to. Any medication brought to school must be presented in its original packaging and be accompanied with a plan provided by a GP with details or dosage and frequency. A Medication Agreement form must also be completed by the parent.
Infectious Diseases
The school is to be notified immediately if a student has or is suspected of having a communicable disease. The school will then advise of the minimum exclusion period as required by the department. Students are not to return to school until they have fully recovered.
Downloadable Documents
- Workplace Agreement Form (work experience)
- USI Information Form
- Media Consent Form
- Parental Consent form
- Swimming Aquatics Form
End of Year Award Applications
Sponsorship Packages