Benefits for students studying VET courses

Improved outcomes for students

  • Students show greater interest in their learning
  • Students develop independence
  • Students succeed and excel
  • Students improve self-confidence

Improved transition from school to work

  • Students gain an improved understanding of what education is needed for career pathways
  • Employers value reports from other employers
  • Students can show that they are ‘work ready’
  • ‘Big step’ from school to TAFE or work removed
  • Students have a more relevant portfolio opportunity for students

Work Placement

  • Students make direct links with employers
  • Employers understanding of young people is improved
  • Improved links between the school and the community
  • Employers become aware of potential employees
  • Links learning to the world outside of the school

Improved skill base

  • Students develop skills specific for the industry
  • Students have links to TAFE SA and other training

Real life experiences

  • Students gain an improved understanding of possible career pathways
  • Employers assess and report on students
  • Students involved in structured and recognised training
  • Students become aware of the requirements of the workplace
  • Students develop skills in the work environment
  • Learning occurs in a real life context

For more information, visit TAFE SA for VET Course Information